Odisha government launched Biju Swasthya Kalyan Yojana in the year 2018 for providing health coverage to all the families belonging poor and economically weaker sections in the state. This launch was undertaken by Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik. Under this scheme the state government provides free/ cashless health treatment and medicines. Free services provided under the scheme can be stated as medicinal drugs, dialysis, ICU, diagnostic, dialysis, etc. No separate documents are required to be provided for availing the services under the scheme in government hospitals. On August 15, 2021 Chief Minister extended this scheme wherein beneficiaries will be provided with smart health cards. Beneficiary families will be provided with up to Rs. 5 lakhs per annum. Women beneficiaries will be provided with up to Rs. 10 lakhs per annum for treatments. About 96 lakh families will be covered under this scheme thereby covering about 3.5 crore people.
Scheme Overview:
Scheme | Biju Swasthya Kalyan |
Scheme Under | Odisha Government |
Launched By | Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik |
Launch Date | August 15, 2018 |
Extended On | August 15, 2021 |
Beneficiaries | Residents belonging to poor and economically weaker sections in the state |
Benefit | Free/ cashless health care treatment through health smart card |
Objective | To help the poor people with free/ cashless health treatments thereby maintaining their life and health balance |
Objectives and Benefits:
- The main objective of the scheme is to help the poor and middle-class people through free treatment of various ailments at empaneled private and government hospitals.
- This scheme tends to provide cashless treatment to the patients through health smart cards.
- Smart card holders and their families will all be covered primarily under this scheme.
- Free services will include medicinal drugs, dialysis, ICU, diagnostic, dialysis, etc.
- Beneficiary families will be provided with up to Rs. 5 lakhs per annum.
- Women beneficiaries will be provided with up to Rs. 10 lakhs per annum for treatments.
- This scheme will provide cashless treatment and proper life coverage to the beneficiaries
- It will enable to maintain a balance of life and health of the poor people across the state.
- This scheme tends to strengthen the health care sector in the state.
Scheme Details:
- In 2018, Odisha government launched ‘Biju Swasthya Kalyan Yojana’ for providing cashless treatment mainly to the poor and people with economically weaker sections in the state.
- Under this scheme the state government tends to provides free/ cashless health treatment and medicines.
- Free services provided under the scheme are medicinal drugs, dialysis, ICU, diagnostic, dialysis, etc.
- It aims at making available free health services to each and every needy person in the state.
- On August 15, 2021 CM announced extension to the scheme wherein smart health cards will be issued for the beneficiaries.
- Through this scheme the government will cover beneficiaries all over the state.
- The state government will provide up to Rs. 5 lakhs per annum for treatment and up to Rs. 10 lakhs per annum for women.
- State government empaneled about 183 hospitals in the state and 17 hospitals outside.
- Eventually in the long run more hospitals will be empaneled under this scheme.
- Free treatment is available in the government contract hospitals and with the launch of this scheme private hospitals will also be empaneled to provide free treatment
- This scheme will cover about 96 lakh families counting to 3.5 crore people in the state
- It will help the families with free medical treatment and thereby provide a cover maintaining health and life balance