Tamil Nadu Government has launched Doorstep Aadhaar Enrollment Scheme to provide aadhaar enrollment at the doorstep for children below 5 years of age. Parents can enroll their children for aadhaar sitting at home. The scheme will encourage citizens to enroll their kids. Aadhaar card is required for & used for application for various schemes, scholarships & also be used to prove the identity at various places such as airports.
The door-step enrollment for aadhaar scheme will cost Rs. 13.61 crores to the state government. Aadhaar is issued by the UIDAI, Government of India. It provides a 12 digit unique identity numbers to the citizens of India based on the bio-metrics of individuals. Its world`s largest identity program. The Doorstep Aadhaar Enrollment Scheme will provide hassle free enrollment & will encourage people to enroll their kids.
Doorstep Aadhaar Enrollment Scheme Benefits:
- Door-step enrollment for aadhaar
- Hassle-free enrollment sitting at home
- Applicable only in Tamil Nadu
- Applicable only for kids under the age of 5 only
TN Doorstep Aadhaar Enrollment Scheme: Implementation
- Aadhaar officials will go to the homes to collect the bio-metrics of kids who has registered
- The officials will be given laptop computers along with bio-metrics kits
- Based on the verification aadhaar card kits will be issued
- Tamil Nadu CM launched the scheme
- The schemes implementation has started from 17th December 2018