Uttar Pradesh government recently launched a Unique Gift Scheme for residents in the state. This scheme is mainly launched with a am to promote covid vaccination. CM Yogi Adityanath launched the scheme as a measure to encourage more and more people to get their vaccination done. Various measures are being taken in the state to cope up with the increasing no. of covid cases in the state. Under this scheme, on the occasion of World Health Day on April 7 the government will conduct a lucky draw for those who have already taken both the doses of covid vaccine and lucky winners will get gifts allotted from the government.
Scheme Overview:
Scheme name: | Unique Gift Scheme |
Scheme Under: | Uttar Pradesh Government |
Launched by: | CM Yogi Adityanath |
Luck Draw Date: | April 7, 2021 |
Beneficiaries: | Residents who have taken both the doses of covid vaccine |
Objective: | To promote covid-19 vaccination across the state |
List of scheme lunched by Uttar Pradesh Government
Objectives and Benefits:
- The main objective of the scheme is to promote the covid vaccination across the state
- This scheme will cover all the residents who have been vaccinated with both the doses of vaccination
- The beneficiaries will be eligible for a lucky draw followed by gifts
- Under this scheme, 4 Gifts will be allotted to the lucky beneficiaries through lucky draw and the no. of gifts will be increased as per the no. of beneficiaries
- This scheme will enable to promote vaccination and maintain a balance of life and health of the people
Scheme Details:
- Uttar Pradesh government has launched a Unique gift scheme for all the residents in the state
- Under this scheme government will conduct a lucky draw on the occasion of the World health Day on April 7
- In this lucky draw all the residents who have taken both the doses of the vaccine will be covered
- 4 gifts are planned to be gifted to the beneficiaries after the lucky draw
- Those districts wherein beneficiaries have taken both the doses of vaccine and are eligible in the state for 4 gifts
- The no. of gifts will be increased to 6 and 8 for districts wherein more than 25,000 or 50,000 beneficiaries who have taken both the doses of vaccine
- Details about the scheme were given by Chief Secretary Health, Mr. Amit Mohan Prasad
- There is a continuous surge in the no. of covid cases in the state and thus government is taking up various measures to combat the situation and promote vaccination across the state
- This scheme tends to encourage people in the state to take the vaccine as prescribed