According to Parliamentary standing committee report submitted to the Lok Sabha in the last week, central government is about to provide a 14-digit identification number for all the land plots in the country. According to this initiative, all the land plots across the country will have the Unique Land Parcel Identification Number (UPLIN) by March, 2022. Currently this scheme is launched in 10 states in the country. Under this scheme, Aadhaar details, revenue court records and bank records will be integrated with land record database. Identification of land parcels and plots will be made on the basis of its longitude and latitude coordinates. Detailed surveys and geo-referenced cadastral maps will also be of core importance. This identification will tend to prevent land frauds and disputes across the country and help in entitlement of the same.
Scheme Overview:
Scheme: | Unique Land Parcel Identification Number (UPLIN) Scheme |
Scheme Under: | Central Government |
Beneficiaries: | Land owners in the country |
Benefit: | Unique identification number for each land plot in the country |
Objective: | To prevent land frauds and disputes thereby bringing transparency in land matters |
More scheme lunched by Central Government
Scheme Objectives and Benefits:
- The scheme aims to provide a unique identification no. to the land plots across the country
- It tends to prevent land frauds and disputes in the country
- It aims at ensuring transparency in land matters
- Under this scheme land records will be integrated to Aadhaar details, revenue court records and bank records
- This scheme will enable the land entitlements to the owners across the country
- Details in the land database will be kept digitally
- This scheme is considered as a core step under Digital India Land Records Modernization Programme (DILRMP)
Key Points:
- Central government has planned to allot a 14-digit unique identification no. for all the land plots across the country under Unique Land Parcel Identification Number (ULPIN) scheme
- Currently this scheme is launched in 10 states and will be extended throughout the country by March 2022.
- Under this initiative, land records will be integrated with Aadhaar details, revenue court records and bank records
- This scheme tends to prevent land frauds and disputes
- All the details will be digitalised and maintained based on the longitude and latitude coordinates of the land parcel
- It will depend on the detailed surveys and geo-referenced cadastral maps
- Under this scheme linking Aadhaar details with land records will cost Rs. 3 per record
- Seeding and authentication of landowner’s Aadhaar details will cost Rs. 5 per record
- Creating a modern land record room will cost Rs. 50 lakh pr district and integration of the land records with revenue court management system will cost Rs. 270 crores
- Linking Aadhaar details with land records will be made on a voluntary basis
- This initiative thereby tends to avoid land frauds thereby bringing transparency in land matters and entitlement of ownership