The Arunachal government has taken initiative for Schedule caste (SC), Schedule tribe (ST), Backward class (BC) and Other backward class (OBC) by offering the scholarship which is Arunachal Pradesh state scholarship to Students belonging to these Communities. The objective of this scheme is to provide financial assistance to students of Arunachal Pradesh so as to enable them to pursue various courses of higher studies approved by the Government of Arunachal Pradesh. This scheme will provide better opportunities for increase their rate of attainment in higher education and enhance their employability and empowerment through education and upliftment of the socio economic conditions of the minority communities. The scheme will form the foundation for their educational attainment and provide a level playing field in the competitive employment environment.
Benefits of Arunachal Pradesh State Scholarship Scheme:
- Arunachal Pradesh state scholarship scheme provides financial assistance for all kind of courses right form Graduation to Post Graduation and other courses
- Rates of scholarship are mentioned in details please refer point mentioned below
- Note: Please visit the link before further proceeding because this link have detail course wise financial assistance structure:
Required Eligibility and Conditions for Applying Arunachal Pradesh State Scholarship Scheme:
- The scholarship will be allowable to a student who belongs to backward class i.e. SC/ST/BC/OBC and are the permanent resident of Arunachal Pradesh
- SC candidates who are full – time employment will not get the scholarship
- Applicants whose attendance is less than 75% in any month shall not be eligible for the reward of the scholarship
- Candidates who continue their study through correspondence or distance education shall not be eligible for the scholarship
- Scholarship will be payable from the date of admission for the particular program given
- Students who are learning their studies in institutions not authorized by the state or Central Government and shall not be eligible for the scholarship
- SC, ST and OBC students will be selected on the basis of merit and reservation
- Scholarship will not be available for the internship or practical training students
- Student pursuing Degree plus PG will only scholarship for the degree
- Diploma holder students receive the scholarship only for diploma, not the degree
- The scholarship will be awarded for approved courses under the scheme
Document required for applying Arunachal Pradesh State Scholarship Scheme:
- Self-attested passport size photograph
- Attested copies of Marks list
- Income Declaration-affidavit
- Attested copy of first page of Bank passbook (in which student name is mentioned)
- Accommodation Certificates in case of Hostellers
- Residential Proof
- Domicile certificate
- caste Certificate (SC/ST/OBC/General)
- Adhaar Card
- Income certificates
Application Procedure:
- Go to official website
- Search the Arunachal Pradesh Post Matric Scholarship 2016-2016 link
- Now fill application form with all necessary details and attach recent passport size photographs
- At least click on the apply link & take print out future use
- After Successfully Logging website choose your Scholarship type either fresh or Renewals and fill it and Submit at your Collage, Head of the Department attaching all required documents
Contact Details:
- Candidate can contact to the Office of Directorate of Higher & Technical Education, Department of Education, Govt. of Arunachal Pradesh, Itanagar – Pin-791111, Arunachal Pradesh, India
- Contact Phone Number – 0360-2214416
References & Details:
- For more details regarding documents and other help please visit official website: