Deendayal subsidized meal Yojana is a new scheme launched by the state government of Madhya Pradesh. This scheme announced by the chief minister of Madhya Pradesh Shivraj Singh Chauhan to provide some healthy food to the poor people at very low cost. Under this scheme, the government provides subsidized food for the underprivileged people of Madhya Pradesh. The government has provided the meal at Rs. 10 per thali which includes menus such as roti, dal, sabzi (vegetable curry), rice and pickle etc. The scheme is meant for poor people, auto wallas, labours, rickshaw pullers, wages employees, disabled and needy. Subsidized meals schemes are become popular in India because of the availability of healthy food at very fewer prices. Rajasthan Government has already launched such meal scheme called as “Annapurna Rasoi”. The government realizes that poor people are suffering from malnutrition due to the lack of nutrition in the food. They can take their breakfast, lunch, and dinner to only relief from hunger. As a result, they cannot get nutritious food in the day to day life. Because of this, Madhya Pradesh has taken very good initiative to provide food at very low price to the poor people
Benefits of Deendayal Subsidized Meal Yojana:
- Benefits of some healthy food to the poor people at very low rate
- Benefits of meal at Rs. 10 including lunch and breakfast
- Benefits of Subsidized food for underprivileged
- Benefits of Clean, hygienic and nutritious food for poor
Features of Deendayal Subsidized Meal Yojana in Madhya Pradesh:
- Deendayal subsidized meal Yojana is a new scheme launched by state government of Madhya Pradesh to provide some healthy food to the poor people at very low rate
- Subsidized meal schemes are a revolutionary scheme in India because of the availability of quality, healthy and tasty food at the minimum rate
- Thus, when poor people like rickshaw pullers, labours and other wages employees can get the healthy food they can give better service to the society
- Basically, this scheme fulfills the basic needs of every people, which they can absorb from their daily food
- The State Government of Madhya Pradesh would most probably launch Deen Dayal canteen subsidized meal scheme next year
References & Details:
- For more Deendayal canteen subsidized meal Yojana visit:
- Food department Madhya Pradesh visit: