High Court of Himachal Pradesh
Advertisement No. HHC/Admn.2(31)/87-IV-
No. of vacancies: 02
Position: Translator
Required Age: 18-45 years
Pay Scale: Rs.10300-34800
Grade Pay: Rs.4400
Secretariat Pay: Rs.900
Eligibility: Graduate with 50% marks in English and know about Hindi and Urdu language.
Important Dates:
Last Date of Online Application: 24/11/2017
Application Fee:
- For General: Rs. 300
- For all other reserved categories: Rs. 150
Place: Shimla
Help Line: 0177-2650111, 2658831, 2658456 and 2804319
More Details: High Court of Himachal Pradesh Advertisement
To apply for this job please visit hphighcourt.nic.in.