Mukhyamantri Bal Seva Yojana

On May 29, 2021 the Uttar Pradesh government launched a new scheme named ‘Mukhyamantri Bal Seva Yojana’ for the children who lost their parents due to covid. This launch was undertaken by Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath. Under this scheme the state government will take various welfare measures pay for those children who lost their parents (at least one of them due to covid) and are facing hardships. The state government will provide a financial assistance of Rs. 4,000 per month to the child’s guardian or care taker until the child attain adulthood. Children below 10 years of age with no guardian or care taker will be provided shelter at state government’s children’s homes. Upbringing and education of such children will be taken care of by the government. Government will also provide tablets or laptops as required to all such children studying in schools/ colleges. This scheme is an important step taken by the state government to take care of the beneficiary children in these tough times.


Scheme name Mukhyamantri Bal Seva Yojana
Scheme Under Uttar Pradesh Government
Launched By Chief Minster Yogi Adityanath
Launch Date May 29, 2021
Beneficiaries Children who lost their parents due to covid
Benefit Financial assistance of Rs. 4000 per month along with other measures
Objective To enable betterment and welfare of children across the state who lost both the parents/ at least one of the parents due to covid


Objectives and Benefits–

  • The main objective of the scheme is to provide assistance to the children who lost their parents due to covid
  • Under the scheme, a financial assistance of Rs. 4000 per month will be provided to the child’s guardian or care taker till the child attain adulthood
  • This will help the students with further studies without having financial constraints
  • Children below 10 years of age with no guardian or care taker will be provided shelter at state government’s children’s homes.
  • Upbringing and education of such children will be taken care of by the government.
  • Government will also provide tablets or laptops as required to all such children studying in schools/ colleges.
  • State government will take full responsibility of welfare of the children who lost their parents due to the pandemic
  • This scheme is for betterment and welfare and social security of the children in these tough and unprecedented times across the state

Scheme Details:

  • Uttar Pradesh government launched Mukhyamantri Bal Seva Yojana for the children in the state who lost their parents due to covid
  • The launch of the scheme was addressed and undertaken by Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Saturday, May 29, 2021
  • This scheme is launched for the welfare and social security of the children who lost their parents or are orphaned due to covid
  • Under the scheme, financial assistance of Rs. 4,000 per month will be provided to the child’s guardian or care taker till the child attain adulthood
  • Children below 10 years of age with no guardian or care taker will be provided shelter at state government’s children’s homes.
  • Such children’s homes are currently functional in Mathura, Lucknow, Prayagraj, Agra and Rampur
  • This scheme will help the students with further studies without having financial constraints as upbringing and education of such children will be taken care of by the government.
  • Government will also provide tablets or laptops as required to all such children studying in schools/ colleges.
  • During the launch, CM stated around 1,000 children across the state are likely to benefit from the scheme
  • Covid-19 pandemic has affected a lot of people including children and thus state government is taking efforts to assist the children in these tough and unprecedented times thereby ensuring their welfare and social security
  • This scheme is a crucial step by the government which will turn out to be a boon for the affected children across the state

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