Shyama Prasad Mukherji Rurban Mission (SPMRM)

The Shyama Prasad Mukherji Rurban Mission is launched by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India. The National Rurban Mission aims at the development of a cluster of villages that preserve and nurture the essence of the rural community life with a focus on equity and inclusiveness without compromising with the facilities perceived to be essentially urban in nature, thus creating a cluster of ‘Rurban villages’. The vision statement of SPMRM is “Development of a cluster of villages that preserve and nurture. The aim of SPMRM is to create 300 rural growth clusters across the country. In the first phase, 100 clusters will be taken up, thereafter more clusters will be identified based on the progress of the scheme. The Mission intends to stimulate local economic development, enhance basic services and create well-planned Rurban clusters. Under this Mission, every Rurban cluster will be developed as a project comprising components covering training linked to economic activities, developing skills and local entrepreneurship and will provide necessary infrastructure amenities

Benefits of Shyama Prasad Mukherji Rurban Mission:

  • This mission provides benefits in the form of rural development, some benefits are mentioned below
  • Under this scheme these following will serve as benefit Skill development training linked to economic activities, Agro Processing, Agri Services, Storage and Warehousing, Fully equipped mobile health unit, Upgrading school/higher education facilities, Sanitation, Provision of piped water supply, Solid and liquid waste management, Village streets and drains, Street lights, Intervillage road connectivity, Public transport, LPG gas connections, Digital Literacy, Citizen Service Centers

Objectives of Shyama Prasad Mukherji Rurban Mission:

  1. Attracting investments in the rural areas
  2. Stimulating local economic development with emphasis on reduction of poverty and unemployment in rural areas
  3. Spreading development in the region


  1. The total funding requirement estimated for the scheme is Rs. 5142.08 crore from 2015-16 to 2019- 20
  2. The aim of SPMRM is to create 300 rural growth clusters across the country. In the first phase, 100 clusters will be taken up, thereafter more clusters will be identified based on the progress of the scheme
  3. A Cluster Development and Management Unit (CDMU) will be set up for each Rurban cluster comprising at least two professionals
  4. The State Nodal Agency will consult the Panchayat Raj institutions at the Zillah, Panchayat Samiti and the Gram Panchayat on the NRuM activities to be undertaken in the Clusters.
  5. The Mission should be adopted by the Gram Sabha of all the participating Gram Panchayat through Gram Sabha and Panchayat Samiti resolutions

References & details:

  1. For more details regarding documents and other help please visit official website:

Swadesh Darshan scheme

Setu Bharatam Project