Van Mahotsav 2016

Every year 1st to 7th July in India is celebrated as Van Mahotsav or Forest Day. It was started in the year 1950 by the then Union Minister of Ministry of Agriculture and Food. The motive of starting this campaign was to start the process of afforestation and stop deforestation to save mother earth by the depleting number of trees. It is requested to every Indian to plant a tree on this day which will sum up to millions of trees planted. And this year also with same motive, Van Mahotsav started with plantation of 2 crore saplings across India. With the commencement of July 1st many people came out and many campaigns were organized where people gathered and planted trees.

Reason behind Van Mahotsav:

After independence India saw serious urbanization due to which huge number of trees were brought down and impact is directly on weather. Result is drought, floods, heat waves, cyclones and other natural disasters are increasing. Everyone is aware of severe drought situations in Marathwada region of Maharashtra state and heavy floods at Uttarakhand. All these calamities are due to imbalance in nature caused by cutting trees and greenhouse effect, increasing carbon level in the environment and taking over natural resources. Maharashtra’s minister took an oath of increasing area under forest to 33% from 20%.


In this campaign Maharashtra responded very well with planting 2 crores plants in a single day and with  a tagline “Ekach Lakshya Don Koti Vriksha” which means only one aim of planting two crore tress. To which Maharashtrians responded very well and almost entire Maharashtra was found taking the thing seriously and participated in the campaign.

Apart from World Environment Day which is celebrated on 5th June every year where whole world participates in planting tree and taking measures to save planet, Van Mahotsav is the another big event where such measures to save planet are undertaken. It’s expected tht every Indian should participate in both events and plant as many as trees possible. Because in the race of urbanization and globalization human felt that trees are the blockages and we went on clearing the forest at very faster rate which is deteriorating the quality of air, ambience and everything related to nature. So, come we also will take an oath to preserve our mother earth and will plant as many trees possible.

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