The new chief minister of Uttar Pradesh Yogi Adityanath announced to start Annapurna Bhojnalaya Scheme for poor people. Under this scheme, the government provides food at the highly subsidized rate to the students, labourers, Rickshaw Drivers and other poor people in the state. This initiative is taken with the help of Public Private Partnership (PPP) in all the 14 Municipal Corporations of the state. Annapurna Bhojanalya will establish mostly at the places having high public traffic, where students, job holders, labourers, Rikshaw pullers will regularly come and have their meal. The Uttar Pradesh government has planned to launch Annapurna Bhojnalaya in Ghaziabad, Gorakhpur, Lucknow and Kanpur. This scheme definitely helps those people who belong to the economically weaker section of the society. The main objective of this scheme is to provide affordable, hygienic and nutritious food to poor. The price of the food is increasing day by day and under such circumstances, the condition of the poor people has become even worse since they do not have enough money to purchase or sometimes they cannot get nutritional food in the day to day life. Regarding this, the government of Uttar Pradesh has taken very good initiative for helping poor people to provide them food at highly subsidized rate
Benefits of Annapurna Bhojnalaya Yojana in Uttar Pradesh:
- The breakfast will provide at Rs. 3 and lunch provided at Rs. 5
- Benefits of nutritious diet to needy people
- Clean, hygienic and nutritious food for poor people
Features of Annapurna Bhojnalaya Yojana in Uttar Pradesh:
- The new chief minister of Uttar Pradesh Yogi Adityanath announced to start Annapurna Bhojnalaya Scheme for poor people
- Under this scheme, government provide food at highly subsidized to the students, labourer, Rikshaw Drivers and other poor people in the state
- Annapurna Bhojanalya will establish mostly at the places having high public traffic, where students, job holders, labourers, Rikshaw pullers will regularly come and have their meal
- The government provide food at highly subsidized rate
- Breakfast menu includes idli, sambhar, poha, pakode, kachori and tea
- For lunch and dinner, people will be offered dal, rice, chapatis and seasonal vegetables and also purifies water provide to all people in canteen
- Plastic card or token will provide to the people at Annapurna canteen which is valid for 7 days
- Poor people can use that Plastic card or token for getting food
References & Details:
- For more details about Annapurna Bhojnalaya Yojana in Uttar Pradesh: