The Andhra Pradesh Government has launched AP BhuSeva Project in the state for digitization of land records and to make land administration easier. 11 digit unique Bhudhaar number will be alloted to all the government, private, rural, urban and agricultural lands. An online database of all the types of lands along with their owners will be created. It will help in land transactions, remove inefficiencies and avoid land disputes in the state. It will also help government curb corruption in the land registrations and remove middle man in the land transactions.
The AP CM Chandrababu Naidu has launched Bhu Seva Website for the AP Bhuseva Program which is available at The website provide all the land administration services online. Users can check the land records, land ownership, perform land bhudhar number allotments.
AP Bhu Seva official website:
BhuSeva Services:
- Individual and bulk land allotments
- Know bhudhaar numbers of the lands
- Know landowners
- Know land records and details
- Land mutations are done online which will save time and money
Bhudhaar Number Features:
- Unique 11 digit numbers
- To be alloted to all the types of lands in the AP
- 2.84 crore agricultural, 50 lakh urban and 85 lakh rural properties/lands to get bhudhar numbers
- Bhudhaar numbers cannot be tampered and are safe
- All the land related transactions can be monitored in real-time with the bhudhaar number
- It will prevent fraud in land transactions
- All the land records will be geo-tagged
- People will be able to find their land based on the satellite mappings
- The bhudhaar allotment process will be similar to Aadhaar allotment process
- Bhudhaar numbers will be alloted based on the physical attribute and land records available with the revenue department along with the cross verification of registration, stamp duty payments
- Records of municipal corporations, panchayats and forest departments too will be checked prior to bhudhaar number allotment
AP Bhuseva: How to know bhudhaar number?
- CLICK HERE to go to the AP Bhu Seva official website online bhudhaar number check page
- Choose the type of the land (agricultural / municipal / panchayat / forest)
- Choose your district, zone, village
- Enter survery number
- Enter CAPTCHA and click on the Search button
Bulk and individual bhudhaar number allotment online:
Bhudhaar number can be alloted online to the individual and bulk. CLICK HERE for the individual bhudhaar number allotment. CLICK HERE for the direct link for bulk bhudhaar number allotment.
Find landlord at online:
Finding landowner or landlord or any land in AP is somple and online. The land-owner details are available at the AP Bhuseva website though eKYC process. CLICK HERE to know the land owner online.