Assistance to Disable Person Scheme (ADIP)

Assistance to Disable Person Scheme (ADIP) is the scheme by Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment. There are many people in India who are physically or mentally disabled, according to the survey carried out there were 18.04 million disabled people in India in 2002 in which 3% of the children below 14 years of age are suffering from delayed development that again leads to the disability. The main objective behind this scheme is to provide durable, sophisticated and scientifically manufactured, modern, standard, aids and appliances which may help disabled people to survive in the competitive world. The scheme provides funds to the agencies which will provide disabled people with the infrastructure and other facilities, moreover beneficiaries are provided with essential assistance for the treatment.

Benefits of Assistance to Disable Person Scheme:

  • Infrastructure development: Under the scheme infrastructures are made to make disabled people’s life easy at many public places and at their personal level too.
  • Pre-treatment corrections of Rs. 500 to person with hearing and speech impaired disability
  • Pre-operation correction of Rs. 1000 to person having visual disability
  • Pre-operation correction of Rs. 3000 to person who is Orthopedically disabled

Eligibility for Assistance to Disable Person Scheme:
The organizations which are eligible for the implementation of this scheme are listed below

  1. Societies which are registered under Society Registration Act, 1860
  2. Registered charitable trust
  3. District Rural Development Agencies, Indian Red Cross Societies and other Autonomous Bodies headed by District Collector/Chief Executive Officer/District Development Officer of Zilla Parishad
  4. National/Apex Institutes including ALIMCO functioning under administrative control of the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment/Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
  5. State Handicapped Development Corporations
  6. Local Bodies- Zilla Parishad, Municipalities, District Autonomous Development Councils and Panchayats
  7. Nehru Yuvak Kendras

Documents required for the scheme:

  1. A copy of Registration Certificate u/s 51/52 of Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act (PWD Act), 1995.
  2. A copy of Registration Certificate under Societies Registration Act, 1860 and their branches, if any, separately, or Charitable Trust Act
  3. A copy of Rules, Aims and Objectives of the Organization
  4. A copy of Certified Audited Accounts and Annual Report for the last year.
  5. Names of the Members of Management Committee of the Organization.
  6. List of identified beneficiaries and types of aids/appliances required by the organization for supply/fitting to the identified beneficiaries.
  7. Estimated expenditure for distribution/fitting of aids/appliances amongst the identified beneficiaries.
  8. An Undertaking that the funds will not be utilized for any other purposes.
  9. An Undertaking to maintain a separate account of the funds received from the Ministry under the scheme.
  10. The Implementing Agencies already receiving grant-in-aid under the Scheme should also furnish the list of beneficiaries assisted from the grant-in-aid released to them in the previous year as per proforma given in Annexure-IV in CD in Excel programme and summary of beneficiaries covered in hard copy. Utilization certificate as per Annexure-V may be given.
  11. A calendar of activities for entire financial year including probable dates for holding camps etc. for distribution of aids/appliances and also maintain separate account for that.
  12. An Undertaking that the organization will provide post-distribution care to the beneficiaries as well as aids/appliances, on demand.
  13. Organization should be financially sound and viable and has requisite capability to mobilize the resources.
  14. The organization shall have working rapport with the District Administration and shall have capacity to utilize the expertise available with District Administration for identification of aids/appliances.
  15. The implementing agencies shall keep manuals / literature on main features, maintenance and upkeep of devices, one year free maintenance would be provided by them for assistive devices. 2% of the annual allocation will be earmarked for monitoring and evaluation of expenses.
  16. The organization will provide reservation to SC/ST/OBC and disabled persons in accordance with instructions issued by GOI from time to time if it employs more than 20 persons on a regular basis

Application form:

Application form to enroll an organization, society, NGO or charitable trust is available in the pdf at the following link at         page no. 15

Whom to contact where to contact for more information about the scheme:

In case of any further more details beneficiary can contact to following person at following address

Shri J. P. Dutt
Deputy Secretary (Cdn.),
Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment,
Room. No. 740, ‘A’, Wing, Shastri Bhawan,
Dr. Rajendra Prasad Road,
New Delhi-110001 (India)

References and Details:

  1. Official website:
  2. Complete detail:

Rajiv Gandhi National Fellowship for Students with Disabilities (RGNF)

Prime Minister’s Employment Generation Programme (PMEGP)