महाराष्ट्र मध्ये कापूस विकास योजना (मराठी मध्ये)
Cotton Development Scheme launched by Ministry of Agriculture and Farmer Welfare, Government of India and implemented by Government of Maharashtra under Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana. The main objective of this scheme is to increase the productivity of indigenous varieties of cotton by providing the financial assistance and practical demonstration with training to the farmer. Under this scheme cotton crop grower farmer to get Rs. 9000 per hectare and practical demonstration to increase production of cotton in Maharashtra. The initiative of Maharashtra government to encourage the farmer to grow cotton in Maharashtra and increase the production. All cotton crop grower farmer resident of Maharashtra can apply to the scheme. More details and application form can be obtained at nearest Agriculture Office, Government of Maharashtra.
Benefits of Cotton Development Scheme:
- Scheme provides benefits to the cotton crop grower farmer. Under this scheme benefits are given in the form of financial assistance and training to increase productivity of indigenous varieties of cotton
- Under this scheme farmer gets Rs. 9000 per hectare as a benefit of scheme
- Under this practical demonstration will be given to increase the productivity of indigenous varieties of cotton
Required eligibility and conditions applying for Cotton Development Scheme:
- Farmer resident of Maharashtra state
- Cotton crop grower farmer can apply to this scheme
Required documents applying for Cotton Development Scheme:
- Aadhar card
- Identity proof
- Namuna 8 A
- 7/12
- Copy of bank passbook
- Application form (available at office)
- Resident proof
- Note: Scheme may take other documents please confirm
Application procedure applying for Cotton Development Scheme:
- Applicant farmer must confirm eligibility and visit Agriculture Office
- Application form is available at same office
- Please fill application form carefully and submit at same office
Contact details:
- Applicant farmer can contact to nearest Board Agriculture Officer
- Taluka Agricultural Officer
- District Agriculture Officer
References & details:
- For more details regarding documents and other help please visit official website: https://goo.gl/NKuI4
- Government GR: https://govinfo.me/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/G-S-21.pdf