CSIR UGC NET 2017: download admit cards on csirhrdg.res.in

The Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), Human Resource Development (HRD) Government of India has released admit cards for Joint CSIR UGC JRF/NET December 2017 examination. Candidates who have registered for the examinations are requested to download the hall tickets from official CSIR NET website csirhrdg.res.in

CSIR UGC JRF/NET examination date: Sunday 17th December 2018

Steps to download CSIR UGC JRF/NET examination admit card:

STEP 1: Click here to go to admin card download page of CSIR UGC JRF/NET examination website

STEP 2: Enter your form number, date of birth and security code and then click on Login button

STEP 3: Admit card will be displayed on the screen, download the card, check your name and exam details

NOTE: Make sure you carry your admit card along with identity proof for examination

What is CSIR UGC JRF/NET examination?

A national level enterance examination in the field of life science, physical science, earth and ocean science, mathematics, chemical, planetary sciences. On the basis of the performance of the candidates in the examinations two merit lists are announced.

  1. Junior Research Fellowship (JRF – NET)
  2. Lectureship (NET)
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