CMO Haryana, Mr. Manohar Lal Khattar, launched the scheme named ‘Mera Pani Meri Virasat’ last year. Under this scheme Rs. 7,000 will be provided by the government to farmers who quit paddy cultivation (rice farming) and take up alternatives like pulses, bajra, cotton, etc. This scheme was launched taking into consideration the falling water levels, water scarcity in the state. This scheme aims to help save water and encourage cultivation in which minimum water is use. Farmers can avail the benefit of this scheme by applying for the same on the official portal. Currently 1,13,885 farmers are cultivating less water consuming crops in 1,26,928 hectares of land. Residents of Dhaka villages have decided to cultivate crops instead of paddy throughout the village. At places where paddy is already cultivated, now the farmers will destroy the paddy being planted and cultivate millet there. Dhaka village in Haryana is setting an example of ideal village farming in the state.
Scheme Overview:
Scheme name: | Mera Pani Meri Virasat |
Scheme Under: | Haryana Government |
Applicable State: | Haryana |
Beneficiaries: | Farmers across the state |
Scheme Objective: | Providing incentive money to farmers for cultivating alternative crops except paddy |
Objectives and Benefits:
- The main objective of the scheme is to minimize the wastage of water
- It aims at promoting water conservation and sustainable farming
- New techniques are promoted to encourage the farmers to adopt crop diversification
- Incentive of Rs. 7,000 per acre will be provided by the government to farmers who quit paddy farming
- This benefit of this scheme can be availed by all the farmers of Haryana
- Crops like moong, urad, cotton, pulses, vegetables etc., will be cultivated as a replacement and it will be procured at minimum support price.
- This scheme mainly will encourage the farmers to replace paddy cultivation thereby saving water, as well as they will also get the incentives from the government for each acre of land held.
How to Register/Apply:
- Visit the official website of Department of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Haryana
- Accordingly start with the application process through the relevant link available in schemes section
- Enter Aadhar no., Farm details, Total Land holding details and Crop details as required
- Click on Submit. After successful registration an intimation will be received
- Accordingly log in and fill the personal details and account details
- Click on Submit.
- After verification, the incentive benefit will be transferred to the farmer’s account directly
- Application link is active till June 25, 2021
Eligibility and Required documents:
- Applicant farmer should be a permanent resident of Haryana state
- Aadhaar Card, Identity card
- Land papers
- Bank account, passbook
- Mobile no.
- Passport size photo
Key Points:
- Mera Pani Meri Virasat yojana was launched last year by the Haryana government to reduce the areas for water planting crops in the state and promote water conservation
- Financial assistance in the form of incentive of Rs. 7000 per acres is provided to the farmers to switch from paddy cultivation to alternatives, so that they do not suffer any kind of loss
- Farmers can grow any crop under this scheme like moong, urad, pulses, vegetables etc, except paddy
- This scheme aims at ensuring water availability for future generations.
- This scheme aims at reducing usage and wastage of water and conserving the same for coming generations as a whole.
- It provides 80% subsidy to the farmers for micro irrigation and drip irrigation
- Necessary Sowing, information, farm machinery as required will be given to the farmers
- Last year instead of paddy other crops which consume less water were cultivated in about 95,000 acres of land.
- Seeing the success of the scheme last year CM has decided to encourage the farmers for this year as well
- Residents of Dhaka villages have decided to cultivate crops instead of paddy throughout the village. At places where paddy is already cultivated, now the farmers will destroy the paddy being planted and cultivate millet there.
- CM Praised the farmers in Dhaka village for their decision of not cultivating paddy rather cultivating low water consuming crops throughout the village
- CM also extended the last date to register under the scheme till June 25, 2021