झारखण्ड के युवाओ के लिए कृषि योजना (हिन्दी में)
In India, there is a lot of concern about engaging youth in agriculture and in many ways, young people are not interested in continuing in agriculture because they do not see much prospect in the future of agriculture. To engage and encourage Youth in Agriculture, the Government of Jharkhand has launched Attracting and Retaining Youth in Agriculture (ARYA) Scheme for the youth. Under the ARYA scheme, the state government attract rural youth in agriculture by providing them skill training and make the state self-dependent in agriculture. The aim is to engaging youth in agriculture and promotes the green revolution in the state. In this scheme, Agriculture Technology Management and Training (ATMA) provide training to the rural youth in the state and for this, two youths from each village selected for the training. Selected youth will get training about agriculture like how to properly use of barren land, uncultivated land, and inspired youth to grow food grains. Agriculture is one of the pre-eminent sectors of Jharkhand’s rural economy. The Agriculture and Allied sector has recorded an impressive average annual growth of above 5 percent between 2011-12 and 2015-16. Such type of scheme helps and encourage youth towards agriculture sector and Jharkhand government took excellent initiatives for the future
Benefits of Attracting and Retaining Youth in Agriculture (ARYA) Scheme:
- The state government attract rural youth in agriculture by providing them skill training and make the state self-dependent in agriculture
- Agriculture Technology Management and Training (ATMA) provide a training to the rural youth
- Selected youth will get benefits of training about agriculture like how to properly use of barren land, uncultivated land, and inspired youth to grow food grains
Agriculture activities performed by trained youth in Jharkhand under (ARYA) Scheme:
- Helps to Identify the barren land & uncultivated land on respective villages in Jharkhand
- Helps to promote farmers for growing pulses on such land
- To promote farmers to grow something else after harvesting paddy
- To encourage farmers to use fertilizers as per Soil Health Card
- To promote the use of neem coated urea
- To promote farmers for agriculture of rabbi
- To inspire and provide information to the farmers about Prime Minister Crop Insurance Scheme
- To register farmers on Farmer Portal
- To provide farmers new technology by telephoning Kisan Call Center
- To promote seed treatment
References & Details:
- For more details about Attracting and Retaining Youth in Agriculture (ARYA) Scheme visit: http://www.jharkhand.gov.in/agriculture_about_the_dept