National Service Scheme, Kerala

To build and develop the young students for the future thereby serving the society

National Service Scheme (NSS) is a scheme launched mainly for the youth students whereby individuals would provide service to the nation voluntarily. It was launched on birth centenary year of Mahatma Gandhi in the year 1969. Under National Service Scheme, Kerala various programmes and activities are conducted by students for the society. It enables public reach and public awareness. Such programmes and activities give a better understanding and a thoughtful approach towards the problems in the society. The main motto of NSS is ‘Not Me But You’ which refers to the giving and helpful point of view towards others. NSS helps in contributing to the society and building a healthy environment thereby.

Scheme Overview:

Scheme name: National Service Scheme, Kerala
Scheme Under: Kerala Government
Beneficiaries: Young students across the state
Benefit: Holistic development of students along with community service and public awareness
Objective: To build and develop the young students for the future thereby serving the society

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Scheme Objectives and Benefits:

  • The main objective of the scheme is to build students for the future
  • It sows a deep-rooted feeling of service to the community and public awareness thereby
  • It will enable the students to learn about the community and the problems existing
  • This scheme will also develop problem solving skills
  • It aims at personality development of the students
  • Under the scheme students will learn the art of giving and helping others
  • It will encourage participation from the students
  • It will build the youth thereby to serve the nation as a whole
  • The students will thus learn about the existence of their responsibility towards the society

NSS Logo, Programmes and Activities:

  • Symbol of NSS is based on Rath i.e. wheel of the Konark Sun Temple in Orissa.
  • It resembles the process to create, preserve and release.
  • There are various regular and special programmes conducted under the NSS in the college campus, villages, slums, etc mainly for spreading awareness regarding public health, sanitation, menstruation, cleanliness, tree plantation, etc
  • The activities are classified into unit level, district level, state level and national level. It includes all the workshops, awareness campaigns, training, career guidance, blood donation camps, etc
  • Recently a 5-day webinar was conducted with a theme ‘Hitham Haritham’ which aimed at agro entrepreneurship in higher secondary students

Key Points:

  • National Service Scheme, Kerala is run in various colleges and universities in Kerala for the betterment of young students thereby
  • It aims to develop the personalities of the students and making them aware regarding their social responsibilities.
  • It aims at building the students and the nation thereby
  • Under this scheme various programmes and activities are conducted in the state as well as at national level
  • Various awards are also granted to the NSS students
  • Various activities conducted by NSS include conducting workshops, awareness programmes and camps for public health, sanitation, menstruation, cleanliness, tree plantation, blood donation
  • It inculcates habit of participation in the students thereby making them aware regarding serving the society
  • It will lead to personality development of the students
  • Under the scheme students will learn the art of giving and helping others
  • It will build the youth thereby to serve the nation as a whole
  • Information about the scheme, activities, programmes, awards, etc is available on the official NSS Kerala website @
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