Operation Greens Scheme (OGS): farmers to get right price of tomato, onion & potatoes | Eligibility, Benefits & Implementation

The Government of India has announced Operation Greens Scheme (OGS) for farmers in India. The objective of the scheme is to provide competitive and right prices to their crops and increase farmers income. The Operation Green was announced first by the Minister Shri Arun Jaitley on 1st February, 2018 in Lok Sabha while presenting a Union Budget 2018-2019. The Ministry of Food Processing , Government Of India will be given responsibility to implement the scheme. The government has allocated budget of Rs. 500 crores for the scheme. The scheme benefit tomato, onion and potato grower in India. They will be given competitive prices for their crops especially when the prices drops due to over production or import. The scheme will help Farmers Producers Organisations, reduce post-harvest losses, creation of processing infrastructure, provision of agri-logistics for supply chain and reduction in price volatility of TOP (Tomato,Onion and Potato) for consumers.

What is Operation Greens Scheme (OSG)? The scheme by the government of India for farmers to provide competitive and right prices to the farmers for their crops.

Operation Greens Scheme (OSG): Objective

  • To provide competitive prices to the farmers for their farm produce
  • To increase farmers income
  • To promote and help agri-logistics, processing facilities, agri-logistics, processing facilities and professional agri-management
  • To control and limit the erratic fluctuations in the prices of onions, potatoes and tomatoes
  • To help farmers and avoid suicides

Operation Greens Scheme (OSG): Eligibility/Beneficiaries

  • All the farmers in India
  • Onion, potato and tomato growers in India
  • Agro processing organizations, agri-logistics, processing facilities

Operation Greens Scheme: Benefits

  • OGS will help double farmers income
  • It aims to ensure farmers are given the right price for their produce
  • Minimum Support Price (MSP) to be 1.5 times of the cost of production for the Kharip crops
  • Tax incentives to the consumer to make sure that the prices of the vegetables are affordable
  • It will promote Farmer Producers Organizations (FPOs), agri-logistics, processing facilities and professional management in the sector
  • It will increase the demand in the economy and will boast the economy
  • The government will also give incentive to farmers to boost production of the tomato, onion and potato veggies

Operation Greens Scheme: Implementation & Highlights

  • Union government has allocated the budget of Rs. 500 crores for the implementation of the scheme
  • The Ministry of Food Processing will implement the scheme
  • The government has already mapped the vegetable cluster across the country
  • The government will work out on backward and forward linkages for food processing organizations to enable them to take advantage of this scheme
  • To help in the structural and infrastructure part of the scheme, govt announced that as many as 470 agriculture market committee (APMCs) will now be connected to the e-nam platform
  • The government will help in development of 22,000 agricultural markets
  • OGS will be implemented on the lines of another popular scheme Operation Food Scheme
  • Government is also planning to compress the supply chains and will focus on creating infrastructure to naturally preserve Tomato, Onion and Potato

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