Rajeev Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojna (RGGVY) is the scheme launched by the former Hon’ble Prime Minister Dr. Man Mohan Singh in which electrification of rural India is carried out. Rural Electrification Corporation (REC) is the leading node in the scheme. To deal with the expenditure of power supplies to villages what REC do is provide 90% of work for free and remaining 10% as a loan which state govt. need to repay. After the scheme was launched it took many then ongoing schemes under it and came up with a strong scheme named RGGVY. Now, near about 1, 25,000 un-electrified villages are being provided power and 7.8 crore are on it way. After the massive success India is on its way to lighten every dark corner of rural India.
Benefits of Rajeev Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojna
- Substation in each block: The benefit of having substation in each block will be like it won’t put much load on machineries and no damage will occur.
- Better Infrastructure: By infrastructure it means all necessary equipment’s will be deployed to make the scheme a huge scheme, and uninterrupted services to villages.
- Better services in affordable prices: Since the REC provides funds to govt. bodies for the construction of infrastructures, supply and all the scheme gives out end product in a very affordable price.
- More Development: By introducing power in rural areas there will be the chances of getting more development in rural India.
Eligibility for Rajeev Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojna:
- Any rural place with no electricity is eligible for the scheme.
- Or areas with minimum 6-8 hours of power supply are also eligible for the scheme.
Document required for Rajeev Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojna:
Since the scheme is not for an individual but for complete village, taluka the survey is carried out in the area by local govt. body and the report is presented to the upper officials for further procedures.
Whom to contact and where to contact for getting benefits of Rajeev Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojna.
- REC office
- State Electricity Boards
- Rural Electric Corporative
- Private Power Developers
- NGOs assigned the work
Online Form to enroll for the scheme:
As scheme is massive one which undertakes complete area all information regarding forms (if any) is available at local bodies.
To know more about the details and FAQs visit the link