Finance minister of Assam, Himanta Biswa Sarma has announced a scheme called ”HPC Scholarship Scheme”. According to the scheme Assam government will provide a scholarship of upto Rs.1 Lakh to children of Hindustan Paper Corporation’s employees. All children of HPC Employee are eligible to get the scholarship
Benefits: | Scholarship of upto Rs.1 Lakh |
Beneficiaries: | Children of HPC employees |
Launched By: | Assam government |
State: | Assam |
Launch Date: | January 2020 |
- For Engineering or Medical or another equivalent degree/examination: Rs.1 Lakh scholarship
- For postgraduate degree or research degree: Rs.75,000 scholarship
- For graduation or diploma degree: Rs.50,000 scholarship
- For Higher secondary education: Rs.25,000 scholarship
- For School education from kindergarten to 10th class: Rs.10,000 scholarship
- The scheme is applicable to children of working employee of HPC
- Applicants must be residents of Assam state
- The scheme is applicable for all types of education
- The scheme is not applicable for Ex-Hpc employees
HPC scholarship scheme 2020 Important date:
- The application starts from: 14th January 2020
- Last date of application: 20th January 2020
- Date of application verification and approval: 21st January 2020 to 30th January 2020
The final list of selected applicants for HPC scholarship scheme will be available after 30th January 2020. The scholarship will be directly deposited into the bank accounts of the beneficiary via direct-benefit-transfer (DBT). Deputy Commissioners of the Karimganj & Nagaon districts are given the responsibility to implement the scheme. Application forms for the HPC Scholarship Scheme can be found at the Government of Assam Social Welfare Department website at If forms are not available then check with your school/college or university.
The scheme will cost Rs. 5 crore to the Assam Government. The government wants to make sure that the students from the poorer background can continue their studies.