Procedure to Apply for Insecticide License in Delhi / दिल्ली में कीटनाशक लाइसेंस के लिए आवेदन करने की प्रक्रिया

दिल्ली में कीटनाशक लाइसेंस के लिए आवेदन करने की प्रक्रिया (हिन्दी में)

The Insecticides License provides the liberacy for manufacturing, testing and selling insecticides in India. Applications for issuing Insecticide license to sell, stock or distribute insecticides shall be made in Form VI or Form VII. The license should be issued or accompanied by the specified fees using given rules. This procedure provides information about how to obtain an Insecticide License in Delhi. The detailed procedure for obtaining Insecticide Licenses such as Eligibility criteria, documents required and Application procedure is mention below

 Eligibility for Application to Issue Insecticide License in Delhi:

  1. Applicant should be Resident of Delhi State
  2. Any person who wanted to manufacture or to sell, stock or exhibit for sale distribute any insecticide he is eligible to issue License

Required Documents:

  1. List of products
  2. Principle Certificate issued by the dealer
  3. Two recent passport size photographs
  4. Identity Proof
  5. Description of place for where the sale depot operated
  6. No objection certificates
  7. Recent copy of Form-F of the land where business is intended to be operated

Required Information to issue Insecticide License in Delhi:

  1. Full Name and Address of the applicant
  2. Names of insecticides handled in the period and the places at which the trade was carried on, and the principles whom he represented
  3. Quantities handled during the past two calendar years
  4. Situation of the nearest location where the insecticides will be stored and sold

Application Form:

Application Procedure:

  1. Download and fill up the application Form III of Insecticides using following link:   
  2. Applicants may approach the Deputy Commissioners office to apply for an Insecticide License
  3. The Applicant has to submit the form along with all the required documents

Contact Details: Regional Deputy Commissioners office



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