Procedure to obtain Income Certificate for Educational Purpose in Haryana / हरियाणा में आय प्रमाण पत्र प्राप्त करने की प्रक्रिया

हरियाणा में आय प्रमाण पत्र प्राप्त करने की प्रक्रिया (हिन्दी में)

Income certificate provides details of the annual income of any person or families from all sources. A person can apply for the certificate for any general purpose or any educational purpose but most of the engineering student furnish it for the purpose of fee-reimbursement. The income certificate will be valid for a period of one year after being issued. A student who needs to apply for the scholarship may need to apply for Income certificate every year. Income Certificates states the different sources of income of an individual. For Obtaining Income Certificate for Educational Purpose Applicant has to submit required information and required Documents which is mention below in the procedures. Candidates can easily get Income Certificate for Educational purpose using following information.

Eligibility to Obtain Income Certificate for Educational purpose in Haryana:

  1. Applicant must be the resident of Haryana State

Required Documents:

  1. Filled Application form
  2. Copy of Ration Card / Copy of Voter Card / Name in the Voter List
  3. Applicant’s Income report verified by Patwari / MC
  4. Self-declaration certificate
  5. One copy of school certificate
  6. One copy of salary slip

 Online Application Procedure:

  1. For Obtaining Income Certificate for Educational Purpose Applicant should visit the following website:
  2. After visiting above website applicant will see the following image
  3. So here on this page candidate can see on online Application form which he has to fill and go further by clicking on submit button and follow further instructions

Offline Application Procedure:

  1. For Obtaining Income Certificate for Educational Purpose Applicant should visit the official website of Haryana State Government:
  2. After reaching to the site candidates should click on Income Certificate for Educational purpose which is in services section which is scrolling upward
  3. After that applicant will switch to next page
  4. On that page, applicant can see Download forms and Instruction
  5. Applicant has to click on that
  6. Here on this page several forms are placed candidate has to click on Income Certificate for Educational purpose and he will get form
  7. At last, applicant should download form and filled it and then Approach the concerned Tehsildar office in your area

Application Form:

Application Fees: Rs.25

Contact Details: Tehsildar office in your area



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