Sahbhagita Yojana, UP

To preserve the cows as well as to resolve the issue of malnutrition

Uttar Pradesh government has launched a unique scheme named ‘Sahbhagita Yojana’ for preserving and taking care of the cows in the state. Under this scheme, Uttar Pradesh government gives Rs. 900 every month to every farmer for rearing, taking care of stray cows. On November 22, 2020, on the occasion of Gopashtami, CMO Uttar Pradesh Yogi Adityanath distributed cows to 11 families under the ‘Sahbhagita Yojana’. During the event CM provided cows to 11 families with malnourished children, whereby the families will now get milk and thus the problem of malnutrition will be resolved. This scheme has a two-way benefit of taking care and preserving the cows as well as nutrition to the malnourished children.

Scheme Overview:

Scheme name: Sahbhagita Yojana
Scheme Under: Uttar Pradesh Government
Launched By: Chief Minister, Yogi Adityanath
Major Objective: To preserve the cows as well as to resolve the issue of malnutrition

Objectives and Benefits:

  • The main objective of the scheme is to preserve and take care of the stray cows in the state
  • Farmers will get the cows to take care of and the children in the family will get her milk as a source of nutrition
  • Financial assistance of Rs. 900/- per month will be given by the state government to the farmers for taking care of the cows
  • This scheme will thereby reduce or eradicate the malnutrition level in the state
  • Till date 1069 families with malnourished children got 1071 cows distributed evenly
  • This will thus provide two-way benefit of preserving cows as well as resolving the malnutrition issue in the state

More scheme for farmer

Key Points:

  • CM Yogi Adityanath launched a new scheme named ‘Sahbhagita Yojana’ for the stray cows in the state of Uttar Pradesh
  • Under this scheme, the stray cows are kept in the cow shelters and then distributed to the farmers
  • Farmers are also provided with a financial assistance of Rs. 900 per month for taking care of the cows
  • This distribution of cows from the cow shelters is also done among the families with malnourished children
  • Due to which the malnourished children in the families get milk as a source of nutrition
  • This scheme has a dual effect of preserving the cows in the state on one hand and thereby resolving the issue of malnutrition in the state
  • On the occasion of Gopashtami, on November 22, 2020, CM distributed cows to 11 families with malnourished children
  • Under this scheme till date 66, 257 cows have been distributed among the farmer families
  • About 1,071 cows have been distributed among 1,069 families with malnourished children
  • Thus, this scheme will thereby preserve cows, good care of stray cows will be taken as a social responsibility and at the same time the issue of malnutrition will also be resolved in the long run

Har Ghar Nal Yojana, UP


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