दिव्यांगों के लिए यूनिक आइडेंटिटी कार्ड (हिंदी में पढ़े)
As per the 2011 census, there are near about 2.68 crore people with disability in India. Even after so many in numbers, they do not have any identity which keeps these people away from the benefits which are provided by the government. So, to overcome this issue and help the beneficiaries Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment said that soon they will be providing the people with disability their Universal Identity Card (UIC), which they can use at various places and can avail the benefits of the scheme by the government which are launched for the people with disability.
Initially, differently abled people used to get 8 utilities from the government which rose up to 21 utilities by the Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The ministry also said that they will be increasing the percentage of reservation in education and employment for them. Adding to this, Ministry also stated various benefits the cardholder will get. The UDID card shall bring a host of benefits to the Persons with Disabilities as given below:
- Persons with disabilities will not need to make multiple copies of documents, maintain, and carry multiple documents as the card will capture all the necessary details which can be decoded with the help of a reader
- The UDID card will be the single document of identification, verification of the disabled for availing various benefits in future
- The UDID Card will also help in streamlining the tracking of the physical and financial progress of beneficiary at all levels of hierarchy of implementation – from village level, block level, District level, State level and National level
The type of disabilities covered under the UDID is the blindness, cerebral palsy, low vision, locomotor disability, leprosy-cured, mental retardation, mental illness, and hearing impairment. There are other certain disabilities also covered, once the application is submitted the review will a lot the card to the beneficiary.
Unique Disability ID portal: http://www.swavlambancard.gov.in/
How Unique Disability ID portal work?
The Unique Disability ID portal is the portal where an individual with the disability can apply for the identity card.
How to apply online for the UDID card for disabled?
Step 1: Go to the UDID portal and click on the Register with UDID Web Portal (http://www.swavlambancard.gov.in/)
Step 2: Using credentials PwD logs into the system and click “Apply online for Disability Certificate. Reads instructions and fills up online application.
Step 3: Upload color passport photo and other requisite documents like Income Proof, Identity Proof and SC/ST/OBC proof as required.
Step 4: Submits data to CMO Office/Medical Authority.
Step 5: CMO Office/Medical Authority verifies data.
Step 6: CMO Office/Medical Authority assigns the concerned specialist(s) for assessment.
Step 7: Specialist Doctor assesses disability of PwD and gives the opinion on disability.
Step 8: Medical Board reviews the case and assigns disability percentage. CMO Office prepares Disability Certificate and generates UDID and Disability Certificate.
Step 9: UDID datasheet goes for UDID Card printing and Card dispatched to PwD.
More details about UDID card:
- Official Website of Unique Identification Card for disabled: http://www.swavlambancard.gov.in/cms/about-us
- Unique Identification Card application: http://www.swavlambancard.gov.in/pwd/application
- UDID card status: http://www.swavlambancard.gov.in/pwd/udidCardStatus (get to know whether your state provides UIC or will provide in future)
- Contact Page: http://www.swavlambancard.gov.in/contact/index