The Government of West Bengal has approved Bangla Krishi Sech Yojana (BKSY) for small and marginal farmers in West Bengal. The scheme will provide financial assistance to the farmers in the state for setting up micro-irrigation in their farms. Most of the state is suffering from scarcity of water and micro-irrigation will help farmers cultivate their land with less water. Jangalmahal, Purulia and Bankura districts in WB receives very little rains and the BKSY will help cultivation of crops specially fruits, vegetables using very less water as compared to the traditional methods of the cultivation.
What is Bangla Krishi Sech Yojana (BKSY)? A government of West Bengal scheme to provide financial assistance to the small and marginal farmers in WB for drip and sprinkler irrigation.
Bangla Krishi Sech Yojana Objectives:
- To support farmers in cultivation
- To make sure farmers can cultivate their land in case of less water
- To make sure that crops are not affected even in case of less rains
Bangla Krishi Sech Yojana Benefits:
- Financial assistance for the purchase of micro integration facilities
- Drip and sprinkler irrigation for free
WB Bangla Krishi Sech Yojana Eligibility?
- The scheme is applicable only to the farmers
- Applicable in West Bengal only
- The scheme is applicable to poor and marginal farmers only
WB Bangla Krishi Sech Yojana: Application form & how to apply? The scheme is just announced by the government of WB. The application details, form, online registration etc are yet to be announced.
Bangla Krishi Sech Yojana: Highlights & Implementation
- Scheme to provide free micro-irrigation facilities to the poor farmers in WB
- The objective is to make sure that the cultivation is not impacted due to less rains/water
- State agricultural department has tried and recommended following cultivation processes to save water a) Drip Irrigation and b) Sprinkler Irrigation
- The scheme is approved by the Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee has approved the scheme
- The cost of the drip irrigation per acre is Rs. 70,000
- The cost of sprinkler irrigation per acre is Rs. 20,000
- Drip/Sprinkler facilities will be provided for free under the scheme
- WB government has alloted a budget of Rs. 35 crore for the project
- Government will employ experts to help with the project
- The experts will also help farmers for setting up micro-irrigation project
- The state government will pay experts for their help based on the feedback from farmers