Haryana Government has launched a Haryana Cyber Security Portal haryanaismo.gov.in along with Toll Free Number 1800-180-1234 for citizens to create awareness & report cyber crimes. Haryana becomes the first state in the India to launch such as initiative. The primary objective of the cyber security initiative is to create awareness about the security online & also to provide platform to report cyber crime.
Information Security Management Office (ISMO) of E & IT Department of Government of Haryana has launched the portal. Information security has got a lot of importance now with the evolution of digital payments, e-commerce & e-governance. All the citizens must be aware of the cyber thefts, internet attacks, mobile device security & cyber threats. The state government is also planning to add subjects related to internet safety & security in the school curriculum.
Haryana Cyber Security Portal & Toll Free Number
haryanaismo.gov.in / 1800-180-1234
The portal provide information on identity/data theft, keeping children safe online, fake anti-virus etc. Citizens of the state can now report online fraud, thefts etc to the toll free number.
@CyberDost Twitter Handle:
The Ministry of Home Affairs has also launched @CyberDost Twitter Handle to spread awareness about the cyber crimes & report them. It provides basic information about the security online. Recently many fraud companies & individuals are taking advantages of the ignorance of the citizens. There are many cases of online frauds are reported recently.
The Haryana Cyber Security Portal along with MHA`s @CyberDost provides much required help for the citizens to stay safe & protect themselves from the online malpractices.
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