The Ministry of Women & Child Development, Government of India has launched am innovative initiative for empowering women across the country called Mahila Shakti Kendra (MSK). The initiative primarily focuses on the women in the villages. Under the new scheme Mahila Shakti Kendra a women`s communities will be formed and supported by the government. The objective of the MSKs are to empower women in the rural areas and allow them to grow with their full potential.
The MSK is based on the community participation i.e. women from the villages can get together. Government will help them know their rights. The government will also provide trainings to the women groups under the scheme. The scheme implementation started from 2017 and will continue till 2020.
The domain knowledge level support will be provided by the center government where as technical support is provided by the state government. The block level support is provided by the volunteers of the college students. 115 backward districts are identified under the scheme. The MSK will be established in all the villages in those districts through community participation.
What is Mahila Shakti Kendra (MSK)? The government of India’s Ministry of Women & Child Development scheme for rural women empowerment and to realizes their own potential.
Mahila Shakti Kendra (MSK): Objectives
- To empower rural women
- To help rural women to setup small businesses
- To help women know their rights and responsibilities
- To create awareness about government schemes and programs
Mahila Shakti Kendra (MSK): Eligibility / Who can apply?
- The scheme is application to women in the rural areas of the country
Mahila Shakti Kendra (MSK): Benefits
- Will empower rural women
- They will know their rights, schemes, subsidies for them
- MSK will provide interface to government to reach out to women in the villages
- Students volunteers get experiences for promoting the government schemes among the rural women
Mahila Shakti Kendra (MSK): Implementation & Highlights
- Ministry of Women and Child implemented this scheme
- The duration of implementation this scheme is 2017-18 up to 2019-20
- Students volunteers play a key role in promoting government schemes under the scheme
- The scheme is implemented in 115 backward districts
- At the block level student volunteers get an opportunity to participate in the development process of empowering rural women
- In 2017-18, MSK has been set up in 50 backward districts out of the 115 backward districts
- On block level initiative, 400 blocks in 50 most backward districts i.e 8 blocks per districts are covered
- In 2018-19, 65 districts to be taken along with 50 districts of the 2017-18 year
- By 2019-20 MSK will be implemented in all 115 districts which cover the 920 block for six month
More Details & References
- Mahila Shakti Kendra, Ministry of Women & Child Development, Government of India
- Mahila Shakti Kenda Guidelines in English
- Mahila Shakti Kenda Guidelines in Hindi
- List of MSK Districts during FY 2017-18
- Revalidation Letter For MSK 2017-18
- Budget for DLCW, MSK -BL & State Level BBBP Annexure -1, FY 2017-18
- List of MSK Districts during FY 2018-19
- Sanction all States/UTs – MSK FY 2018-19
- Budget for DLCW & MSK- BL Annexure-1, FY 2018-19
- Press Information Bureau, Ministry of Women and Child Development, Government of India