On June 15, 2021 the Telangana government decided to relaunch the Netanna ku Cheyuta scheme. This decision was taken in a review meeting of handloom and textile department headed by the textiles minister, KT Rama Rao. This is savings scheme initially launched in the year 2017 for weavers in the state. Now this scheme is being extended to handloom weavers, dyers, designers, winders and other ancillary workers. Under this scheme, state government will contribute a share of 16% toward this savings scheme and worker will contribute a share of 8% . This scheme was super beneficial to the workers in difficult times and thus seeing the success of the scheme the scheme is being extended for this year as well thereby ensuring the welfare of the beneficiaries.
Scheme Overview:
Scheme name: | Netanna ku Cheyuta Scheme |
Scheme under: | Telangana Government |
Launch Year: | 2017 |
Relaunch Date: | June 15, 2021 |
Scheme Type: | Savings scheme |
Beneficiaries: | Weavers, dyers, designers, winders and ancillary workers in the state |
Benefit: | Contribution of 16% of the salary by the state government on contribution of 8% of the salary by the beneficiary |
Major Objective: | To extend a support to the weavers, dyers, ancillary workers and other beneficiaries across the state |
Scheme Objectives and Benefits:
- The main objective of the savings scheme is to support the weavers and other ancillary workers across the state
- Under this scheme the state government will contribute a share of 16% toward this savings scheme and worker will contribute a share of 8%
- This scheme covers all the weavers, dyers, designers, winders and ancillary workers in the state
- It aims at helping the beneficiaries in difficult times
- It helps them to plan for the future
- This scheme tends to provide social and financial security to the beneficiaries across the state thereby ensuring their welfare.
Key Points:
- Netanna ku Cheyuta scheme is a scheme launched by the state government in the year 2017
- In a review meeting of textile department headed by textile minister KT Rama Rao, on June 15, 2021 the Telangana government has decided to extend the scheme for this year to all the weavers, dyers, designers, winders and ancillary workers in the state
- This is a savings scheme launched by the government
- Under this scheme the state government will contribute a share of 16% toward this savings scheme and worker will contribute a share of 8%
- This scheme tends to help the beneficiaries in difficult times and plan for the future
- Initially the scheme used to cover only weavers of the societies but now the scheme is applicable to handloom weavers, dyers, designers, winders and ancillary workers in the state
- It tends to ensure financial and social security of the beneficiaries thereby ensuring their welfare
- Till date the beneficiaries are provided with an overall benefit of Rs. 109 crores
- About 25,000 weavers and 10,000 power loom workers would be benefited under the scheme