Uttar Pradesh Employment (Sevayojana) Department has launched UP Rojgar Mela. It provides job opportunities to the unemployed youth in the state. Job seekers can register online at sewayojan.up.nic.in, login then apply for various jobs in the state. The portal also provides list of all the job fairs (rojgar mela) along with the list of government & private jobs. Job fairs are conducted in various districts across UP.
UP Rojgar Mela (Sewayojana Portal):
- A centralized event organized by UP Employment Department
- All the government agencies & private companies showcase their job openings in the event
- Unemployed youth can participate & apply for jobs they are interested in based on their educational qualifications
- Job seekers needs to register at the rojgar mela or on the UP Sevayojana Vibhag official portal at sewayojan.up.nic.in
- They can apply for jobs online at Sewayojana website & also at the rojgar mela
- Candidates can participate in the face to face interviews in the rojgar mela & get offer letter
- Employers also can register on the Sewayojana portal & post their job requirements
- The Sewayojana website then matches job opportunities with matching job seekers profiles
- Based on the profile matches, emails are sent to the shortlisted candidates list to appear for the interviews along with the date & time
- List of ongoing & upcoming Rojgar Mela list: CLICK HERE
- The list provides all the details abut the rojgar mela (rojgar junction) such as date of the job fair, address & district etc
UP Rojgar Mela Jobs List / Find government & private job vacancies online at Sewayojana portal?
- CLICK HERE to find list of government job vacancies in UP
- CLICK HERE to find & apply for the list of job vacancies in private companies & MNCs
- The Sevayojana portal provide all the details of the jobs suh as job profile, eligibility criteria, required qualification, salary & benefits etc
UP Rojgar Mela 2019: Registrations & Login at sewayojan.up.nic.in
STEP 1: CLICK HERE to go the the UP Sewayojana registrations
STEP 2: Provide details such as name, mobile number, email, userid, password & register
STEP 3: CLICK HERE to go the Sewayojana login, enter your login details & login