The Government of Haryana has launched Durgashakti Vahini Chatra Parivahan Suraksha Yojana for girl students in Haryana. The objective of the scheme is to provide safe and secure subsidized commute to and from the school. Under the scheme the government of Haryana will provide free bus/taxi/car fair to the girls students to go to school. “Mhare Haryane Ki Shaan, Ladka-Ladki Ek Saman” is the tag-line of the scheme.
What is Durgashakti Vahini Chatra Parivahan Suraksha Yojana Haryana? A free, safe and secure commute for the girl students in the Haryana.
How Durgashakti Vahini Chatra Parivahan Suraksha Yojana Works?
- The school management committee, teachers and parents can collectively make arrangements to take girls to schools and back home.
- They can collectively hire bus, mini-bus, car, cab, max, taxi, auto or jeep etc.
- The driver must have a valid driving license.
- Vehicle must be registered.
- Driver`s must be know to most of the parents and teachers. If the person is from the same village then he can be hired.
Durgashakti Vahini Yojana Objectives:
- To provide safety and security to the girls
- To encourage them to go to school and study
Chatra Parivahan Suraksha Yojana Eligibility / Who can apply?
- All those girls who`s studying in class 9th till 12th and dont have school are eligible
- Girls who are getting benefits of Haryana Free Bicycle Scheme are not eligible for this scheme
Durgashakti Vahini Chatra Parivahan Suraksha Yojana Benefits:
- For all those girls who needs to travel 6 Km every day to go and come back from school will get Rs. 600 per month
- For 8 Km everyday, government will provide Rs. 800 per students per month
- For 10 Km, girls will be given Rs. 1000 per month
- For 12 Km will get Rs. 1200 per month and
- For girls who needs to travel 14 Km will get Rs. 1400 every month
- The money will be directly transfered into the back accounts
How to apply for Durgashakti Vahini Chatra Parivahan Suraksha Yojana?
Contanct schools for application forms and application details. They will be able to provide all the required details of the scheme along with the step by step application procedures. State Transport Department / Bus Stand also can provide details of the scheme.
Other Important Schemes: