ModiCare: National Health Protection Scheme (NHPS), a mega health insurance scheme announced in budget 2018

The Finance Minister of India announced a mega health insurance scheme called ModiCare: National Health Protection Scheme (NHPS). The scheme is also alternatively called as NaMOCare and AYUSHMAAN BHARAT. He announced the scheme in the Union Budgest 2018-19 will provide health insurance of Rs. 5 lakh to 1 lakh families in India. The mega scheme is on the lines of Obama Care in United States of America.

The ambitious will benefit 4 out of 10 Indians i.e. 100 million vulnerable families out of 500 million families in India. The scheme will cover secondary and tertiary hospitalizations and expected to be more successful than ObamaCare.

National Health Protection Scheme (AYUSHMAAN BHARAT), a worlds largest scheme.

ModiCare is going to be the worlds largest government funded health care program. The scheme will provide universal health coverage and adequate funds will be alloted to the scheme said the FM Arun Jaitely. The similar scheme announced in the last budget and implemented throughout the year which provided health insurance coverage of Rs. 1 lakh each to the families.

AYUSHMAAN BHARAT / ModiCare – National Health Protection Scheme (NHPS) Implementation:

  • State government will implement the scheme
  • Data from the socio-economic census of 2011 will used to choose the beneficiaries for the NHPS
  • National health agency under the Health Ministry, Government of India will create a robust fraud control mechanism to make sure that the benefits are not misused and reaches in the beneficieries
  • The NHPS benefits will be given to the families of any size across the country
  • Public and private hospitals will provide services under NHPS
  • The cost of treatment will be standerdised
  • An Insurance Card linked to Aadhaar card will be given to the beneficiaries

AYUSHMAAN BHARAT / ModiCare – National Health Protection Scheme: Benefits

  • Cashless, paperless and quality health care will be provided to the underprivileged families in the country
  • Hospitalization, lab tests, consultation, surgeries will be covered under the NHPS
  • Funds from center and states will be used to settle the claims from the hospitals for providing services under NHPS

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