Aajeevika Grameen Express Yojna (AGEY) Punjab: Interest free loan to buy vehicles

The Punjab Government launched Aajeevika Grameen Express Yojna (AGEY) to provide financial assistance to the self-help groups (SHGs) in the state. The scheme is primarily meant for vehicle purchase upto Rs. 6 lakh. Government will provide interest free loan for the purchase. The loan needs to be repaid in six years by the self-help group. The main objective of the scheme is to provide safe, reliable, affordable rural transport services with the help of self-help groups.

What is Aajeevika Grameen Express Yojna? A scheme by the government of India to provide connectivity and transport services in the remote villages by providing interest free loans to the self-help groups for transport vehicle purchase.

Aajeevika Grameen Express Yojna (AGEY) Objectives:

  • To provide connectivity to all the villages and remote areas
  • To provide transport services in villages
  • To create job opportunities
  • To provide employment in rural areas

Aajeevika Grameen Express Yojna Eligibility:

  • Self-help groups only can apply for the scheme
  • All the members of the SHG must be literate
  • SHGs or their family members must have driving license so that

The selection will be made based on the poverty status of the SHG members based on the SECC 2011 census data. SHG member`s capability too will be taken into consideration for the selection.

Application forms for Aajeevika Grameen Express Yojna (AGEY) & how to apply?

  • Application forms for the Aajeevika Grameen Express Yojna (AGEY) is available with the Social Welfare Department office.
  • The social welfare office will be able to provide all the information for application of AGEY along with the list of documents required to apply for the scheme.
  • Fill up the form, attach list of all the documents and submit it to the social welfare office.

Aajeevika Grameen Express Yojna (AGEY) Highlights & Implementation

  • A government of India sub-scheme under Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana-National Rural Livelihoods Mission (DAY-NRLM)
  • SHGs will be given loan for the vehicle purchase
  • These vehicles needs to be used for providing transport services in the rural and backward area
  • The loan will be interest free loan
  • It needs to be repaid in 6 years after that the vehicle will be transfered to the SHG members
  • Community Investment Fund (CIF) provided to Community based Organisations (CBOs) will be used for the scheme
  • The vehicle will be owned by CBOs and lend by the SHGs
  • SHGs needs to take care of the vehicles, pay salary of the driver
  • They need to drive the vehicle on the specified route only
  • Insurance, road tax, permit cost, maintenance cost and tyres replacement cost will be born by CBOs
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