Shakti Project: free sanitary napkins for Haryana girls

Government of Haryana will provide free sanitary napkins for girls in Haryana. The scheme was announced by the Chief Minister of Haryana Shree Manohar Lal Khattar in a felicitation ceremony of Miss World 2017 Manushi Chhillar. The new Miss World wishes to work on creating awareness about the menstrual hygiene. The project is called as Shakti Project, under the project the government will be distributing free sanitary napkins to the school girls. Manushi Chhillar is also appointed as the brand ambassador of a programme to prevent anaemia among children in Haryana.

Shakti Project, a project by the Miss World 2017 Manushi Chhillar to spread awareness about menstrual hygiene among girls. The government of Haryana will get involved by provide free supply of free sanitary napkins in schools. Rs. 18 crores are allocated for the project.

The Chief Minister congratulated Manushi Chhillar on winning the Miss World 2017 pageant and thanked her for choosing International Gita Mahotsav programme for her first visit to Haryana. The CM said that she is an inspiration to the girls and parents to the state and brought pride to the state and the country. He also thanked her for her contributions to the medical services she has provided prior to becoming the Miss World. Her success is expected to improve the sex ratio in the state he added. Miss World Organisation chairperson Julia Morley was also present in the ceremony.

Highlights of the Shakti Project:

  • A project by Miss World 2017 Manushi Chhillar
  • A project to create awareness about menstrual hygiene amongst girls
  • Government of Haryana to support the project
  • Government will provide free sanitary pads in schools in the state
  • Government has alloted budget of Rs. 18 crores for the project



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Prime Minister Narendra Modi

Prime Minister New India Project